ࡱ> IKH bjbjgg ,6Nnn>>>>>4rrrh,$rf*****qssssss,`V> >>**   ^>*>*q q   ^?Fc ]0 h h  > T hn :   Ƶ Office of Research and Economic Development CONSENT FORM FOR RESEARCH PARTICIPANTS (FOR CHILD(REN) Part I: Section I. Investigator Name: Click here to enter text. Department: Click here to enter text. Address: Click here to enter text. City, State, Zip Code: Click here to enter text. Telephone Number: Click here to enter text. JSU Email Address: Click here to enter text. Section II: Advisor (if submitting student application) Name: Click here to enter text. Your advisor: Click here to enter text. Department: Click here to enter text. Address: Click here to enter text. City, State, Zip Code: Click here to enter text. Telephone Number: Click here to enter text. JSU Email Address: Click here to enter text. Part II: Project Information Your child/charge is being asked to take part in a research study to determine Click here to enter text. . The goal of the research project is to determine the relationship (if any) between certain Click here to enter text.And Click here to enter text. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: The entire procedure should take Click here to enter text. .If you agree for your child/charge to take part, your child/charge will first be asked several questions about personal and background information such as age, race, and education level prior to being administered a psychological instrument Click here to enter text.. The intelligence measure provides only an estimate of intelligence; therefore, results will not be provided to you. Your child/charge will then be read Click here to enter text. a story about a person and asked to answer several questions based on the information you are given in the story. Finally, your child/charge will be asked to complete two brief self-report forms. You or your child/charge may ask questions at any time during the study and you both are free to contact me or my advisor should any questions arise about the research project. RISKS AND DISCOMFORTS: We expect no risks or discomfort for people in this study Click here to enter text. However, it is possible that you or your child/charge may feel somewhat uneasy answering the questions involved. BENEFITS: The information obtained in this study may not directly benefit you or your child/charge. However, the results may provide needed information about Click here to enter text. CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS: All information obtained during this study is private. That is, we protect the privacy of people by withholding their names and other personal information from all persons not connected to this study. Each person will be identified using a code number rather than your name. The raw data shall be retained for 3 years, and all records relating to this research shall be retained for 3 years after completion of the research. All records shall be accessible for inspection and copying by authorized representatives of the Institutional Review Board at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner. Information will be stored in the most secure manner for 3 years as required by federal law. Although the information in this study is private, security of the data can only be promised within the boundaries of the university and researcher or faculty advisor. Confidentiality will be broken if the information obtained reveals that you intend to harm yourself or another person. VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION: Taking part in this study is completely voluntary. You may refuse to answer any specific question. Participants may withdraw at any time without penalty or prejudice. PARTICIPATION CONSENT: I have had the purposes and procedures of this study explained to me and have had the opportunity to ask questions. My signature shows my willingness to take part in the study under the conditions stated. This study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board of Ƶ, which ensures that research projects involving human subjects follow federal regulations. Any questions or concerns about rights as a research participant should be directed to Vice President for Research and Federal Relations, Ƶ, P.O. Box 17057, Jackson, Mississippi, 39217, or (601) 979-2931. _________________________________ __________ Participant Signature Date __________________________________ __________ Investigator Signature Date      Ƶ IRB_consent/assent_110116 DEFLl|}  ( ʻxh[hRIIhNbhWU0JhNbhH0JhH6CJOJQJaJhjhDV6CJOJQJaJ"hjhDV6>*CJOJQJaJhjhDV5CJOJQJaJhP?5>*CJOJQJaJ"hjhDV5>*CJOJQJaJh4VQ5>*CJOJQJaJhjh+^CJOJQJaJhDVCJOJQJaJh4VQCJOJQJaJhjhDVCJOJQJaJEF}~ D p # I l dh@&gdDVdhgdDV@&gdDV$a$gdDV $@&a$gdDV( ) B D M N T V o p s t y z  " # - / H I P R k l 輪hHCJOJQJaJ"hjhDV6>*CJOJQJaJ"hjhWU6>*CJOJQJaJhDV6>*CJOJQJaJhDV5CJOJQJaJhjhDV5CJOJQJaJhNbhWU0JhjhDVCJOJQJaJ7     , |}67T% dh@&gdDV d`gdDV dh@&gdDVm$ dhgdWUm$gdP?`gdWUdgdDVgdWU`gdP?@&gdDVgdDV   e ~     + , M f g h Z s  &'úåúÇuåîîåîi]NhjhWUCJOJQJaJhP?CJOJQJaJhHCJOJQJaJ"hjhDV5>*CJOJQJaJhjhDVCJOJQJaJhP?hWUCJOJQJaJhNbhH0JhWUCJOJQJaJhNbhWU0JhP?hP?CJOJQJaJhDV5CJOJQJaJhjhDV5CJOJQJaJhjhDV6CJOJQJaJ  |}567T$%&@]q5679:<=?@B߻֬|l]UQUQUQUQhWbBjhWbBUhjh+^CJOJQJaJhjhDV6CJOJQJaJhDV56CJOJQJaJ"hjhDV56CJOJQJaJhjhDVCJOJQJaJhWUhP?CJOJQJaJh+^5>*䴳ϴW䴳ϴH0??䴳ϴ"jٳ5>*䴳ϴ%&689;<>?ABdgddhgdWUdhgdDV d`gdDVm$ dh@&gdDVm$ dh`gdDV dh@&gdDV d`gdDVBCDFGHIJ}~dhgdWU$a$gdWUBCDEGHIJ~hjh+^CJOJQJaJhWbB jhehp/UmHnHuhmhWU21h:pWU/ =!"#$% < 001h:pWU/ =!"#$% P 5 01h:pWU/ =!"#$% g"Dd f  A?4downloadPicture 1Description: download.jpg"RQ!ɭƬBq`-!DF%!ɭƬBq`JFIF (!&"2!%)+...583,8(-/+  7 %-+---+2---------+------------------------+------7-2"M  !1AQTa"q24s#35BRbrtCU%cu"!1"AQ2aB ?QDDD@MjZKEWٝ)R5f,t՞aOWSfF.g0`V@0y8VK q<Ӣ{',i0^ԓcm̸M$tq.dw$ж;S,.i-ހZK##7+ fD*W=.hq7^V7#oVk;)&)/ݖկYvX#Ncճu1UPT9 u"5it=E\_OeVV[ ገC\EqÊog lq=($_w9m&p ]/M;)P5OA#aj=mHn'qtмK`UvM]iՖ>ms:hlW|,KޯHi:IY#}9W[d[3{"9Yh4IO4p$4l} ǰkMEɊK.Iq\K/2J6yc4{|ڕlW4I\̈Y2kkX[z54ew7u2EM1~I$.pV Lllk J"/1""" """ """ (}?V `yeG X.M#"m}N |N.'!.?ouK$Wޝ9zɧKQbQTp>ŏL\`xQ>eVF[gwsjحVt},L,.єEx_gtQBkG뙾WN=v8șaoc]J]y:G8v̢"t""" """ "" #lOU>5/9/ٸ=8f򽯱&N!ջbƸƲ<Yy[lu={E]ZzJJ #'n4+5nl܈kGMxW{i(k5̀8ro> ȶ^/vmUmFMu]Mqx Z9qgK^Y[Z2B$8Y9 %/a~vk]kF'SH5:7c七b/~Kg.=] $xutnNV+u/7=3\ H?̫W[ں`׈czכݣgJu-&m t4Th94`>*F9dARh""" """ """ (}?V `_y-FFɇ3)ݕʎ6$\4]=AUC'x!oςʸ Ġ{$NE5-ӈVoX##,ߴy6&U%QkM9m1D&QX h:bp9iz:I .#:UySoo p9;rt2 rϩ$D/ oRߣi=dEC]E 40.8Ԫ}{@ʚ6 Faե]%8tTcpyRy>ḳH糧ŧEێR#cԲ֎н0ŵ#Ƈ=W8ݦ>1s4Yi+ 6R\,N8RMu Xr^bO7P(z h=d>uE$BD@DDD@EvΆA UKc{ZvZ8~I+O-PGog'Ȟ3bO1H";{=>v{׹2?~I'#L&3ϲv{y$ܥ;5ˏⰿ0< [Ǽ#3ؓOGog'Ȳ}bxYPGog'Ȟ3bOgk$LCgğ"x;{=>D"`?$~I&/PGog'Ȟ3bO1H";{=>v{׹2?~I'#L&3ϲDv{|2D?~I"bHasI o6Ƹ۪pi{,>6j*dٚ߃:ښ:ST6R'(ű_Qnׁi{,>X}> u1Ѻ+6V KaL'i{,>ܰg< Kal-F1u1-0ko#ۃ׹ti7{V#/VB%-/e3Z^grN"@b`-#wd.{ߒ6Gh}> ۍiXi d2[mm?m%T3AKa"mUl sU7A Evl Kal'i{,>ˇbΒ'fmȽGs+Ni{,>X}> QPִ88OoK t_L,mnRl$|| KaL.jZ即1ѹuy8Q|bX}> ZgiX}> Hw"m=4ӶPBnG܍4|vςVm%c98=Cnmpx»|_%1hxY]48YS`~!@6舸zV bWSrT[ X?Bo{MO/X* `{HD/8m&q/ 'A -NcE4YC8s W/]`+M'Hnd:䳜z'졪lVkp^Mh~G>c`Ԯ>1;:7L6<Ӱ7>$cL^6Z;TT MC+]x4^ k[1MYZCfa#BkV lG+ 1=\wfFbIlF>*&77s߹n0Ҹٳ(-3c'.Ƕ̽N|ʥ԰8LJ(Z4<0|"h0FMy+D,ChA'Gw (GS0~Nrɔ4:󴡾<K09]cv9psIyau?VXr8V,{9:Cj>JAw&(=1s9gG$Cns֬F8d1{[>S/m9|k_U >S l"ۨBxvacr8X[KwpTV`xuns#`ŚGI4<3y./t`t[ hN'BkVZ8> ڈcgՑx_6$:#4!IͻHNj92M4%kcS8A\tؖ$ P0o+42uim<@KA[ZnHcԢgU5Cq ;CǢ.Q?\e1bT{ʶt j/ń>+J;2 _K +Ь,0Ϩ$W?es)"$E3o;8T/d88TeW]-r4Wb 4l2[,l%7 iϹkFUc5 E /r?fkZe] ){1Ðku>`FcUuMF;# Ci[D"ZX+ -$rTRF&c nmyۊe$vE%Y*"m=-CǸC&\Á44R6vӁj RCm|WYZI,'H^caxtqh.kf6DY(DD/6-㮫4~PIUab*#'B-LTCT憙YluOP'wϏ F=73\,ElG- U}GdEc f#xͤ`YqXD"|@HڎЈ`Di +4 .e@q0H$G &(m}hK.'Sz!# uDDS(0 oĎXG~!D@DD666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666660000000002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH F`F DVNormaldCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List B`B DV0Placeholder Text B*ph:@: DV0HeaderdH$.. 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